When I started my career, I was often puzzled about how to work well with the students. However, when I started practically working with them, I found that students are always ready to work and to learn they need our frank nature at the time of teaching. When I did that, I found that they came to me many times to share their problems which helps me to teach them as per their situation.
Practical education. Need more creative syllabus so that students can learn through activities.
We make them aware about future situation and requirements like technology and knowledge. Competition will be top priority in the list of need for future. So with syllabus we try to give maximum.
I used to tell my students to teach what we learn at school to parents so students revision will be done and parents come to know what is going on in the school. Sometimes I give Vedic math tricks for students to find age, birthday, etc. of family members.
Teaching is my passion and fulfilling all the students curiosity is the most difficult.
I want to be a good teacher forever.